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My Cellular Memory Sessions Are An Interactive Guided Meditation That Promotes Healing At A Cellular Level

The Process: guides you to the root of your difficulties, and allows you to finally and completely heal them. This powerful process, gives you permission to rewrite your traumas and memories. The process creates remarkable and lasting results. Anxiety, depression, and sexual blocks disappear. Self esteem, grief and anger issues dissolve. Chronic pain vanishes, obesity and addictions fall away, and illness comes to an end. Dare to heal the part of your past that is affecting your present life. 

Private Session: $75.00Session is approximately one hour.

(Financial circumstances taken into consideration.)



After experiencing two cellular healing guided meditation processes with Jane I feel more confident then ever before. I confronted people and abuse issues in my past and I really do feel free. Denise D.

Since my Cellular Guided Meditaion sessions with Jane, I am a happier person. I am able to control my temper better because I don't get as angry as I use to. I confronted issues from my past and for the first time in my life I am able to feel my fathers love. My Dad was dead two years prior to my sessions. I also love myself in a way that I never have. I recomend this healing work to everyone.  Darla K.


Rewriting Your Life From The Inside Out

by Jane Russo


It is extremely rewarding and an honor to witness the healing that takes place during a Cellular Healing Guided Meditation process. Through cellular memory healing sessions I have rewritten my life from the inside out. It was inevitable when I finally listened to my souls craving to heal. It was imperative for me to heal my memories and traumas in order to be completely present for others. I utilize this wonderful process to continue to heal on a daily basis. My life’s passion is to help guide others to reconnect with their soul and heal their past so their mind, body, and spirit can be happy, joyous and free.

A question that is frequently asked is how many sessions dose one need to heal. Jokingly I reply, how many memories do you have?  The truth is, one completed session can touch on many memories, and healing at a cellular level always takes place. When you confront a particular person or situation you are going back and rewriting your history. One rewrite affects every cell in your body. I have witnessed great healing with every session.

One client wrote: “Jane when I left your wellness room seven months ago I thought, that was nice but it was no big deal. I would like to tell you that I had no idea of the healing that took place. I feel so much better in my skin, and I am abstinent from binging and purging. I now have a relationship with my mother that I never thought would be possible. The healing went much deeper than I initially realized.”

During a Cellular Healing Session, a client was unable to connect with her father’s soul. Not because he was dead for several years, but because he had been excessively violent while he was alive and she was struggling with the idea of him having one. I asked her if it would help if she let him step into the campfire of unconditional love and acceptance. Once she allowed this, incredible healing took place. She began to weep as her father started to melt and all that was left was a little boy. After speaking to the little boy, she was able to forgive her father for years of emotional, physical, and mental abuse. Weeks later she stated, “Jane ever since that healing with my Dad, I feel different. I don’t need to kick his chair any more, and now when I think of him I actually see the little boy and he brings a smile to my face. I am even taking better care of me and my home.”

A certified Hypnotherapist once told me that this kind of cellular healing process is very similar to hypnotherapy, with the exception that the Guided Memory Healing Session goes one step further to actually supply the tools that heal core issues. It offers the brain new software, so to speak, and healthier, more resourceful options, so old programming dose not automatically run.

The science of cellular biology has discovered that whenever we repress or shut down an intense, powerful emotion, specific chemical changes take place deep within in our bodies. These chemical changes can affect certain cell receptors, blocking those cells from communicating with the other cells in our bodies. If these affected cells remain blocked over a long period of time, there is an increased likelihood that if disease occurs, it will occur in the part of the body where the cell receptors are blocked. On the other hand, when we feel and express our emotions in a healthy manner, our cell receptors remain open.

            A proven way to work with and clear these blocks is through a Cellular Memory-Healing Guided Meditation. This powerful process gives you permission to actually rewrite traumatic events and memories. Anxiety, depression, addictions and sexual blocks disappear. Self-esteem, grief and anger issues dissolve. Chronic pain vanishes, obesity falls away, and illness comes to an end. It is an excellent way to heal the mind body and soul.

            We tend to neglect one or more parts of the mind-body-soul connection. Denial, addictions, obsessive behavior, or neglect are ways we choose to deal with our past hurts, betrayals, and traumas. These negative patterns can stem from a root childhood experience. When you heal that root cause, the healing flows through all the other memories stored in your cells. When we confront and heal our past, the mind, body and soul become healthy are reconnected and able to work together to create complete harmony.

            Cellular healing is not a quick fix or a magic cure, however. It requires the willingness of the client to be ready to do whatever is necessary to heal the part of the past that is negatively affecting life in the present. What results is an extremely deep and permanent healing.

            What makes working at the cellular level so possible is that the cells in our bodies regenerate, and they do so at different rates. Our eyes cells regenerate every two days and skin cells regenerate about every 20 to 30 days; the cells in the liver regenerate about every 6 weeks, and the stomach lining regenerates about every four days. Every cell in the eye is brand new every two days. 

            So why do old problems persist? The memory from the old cell, sometimes called a phantom memory, is passed on to the new cell being born, so the eye problem is replicated again and again, even though the cell is entirely new. This continues indefinitely until the cell programming is interrupted. Once the cell programming is interrupted, the possibility for healing is enabled. 

             An essential part of emptying out and releasing the unresolved emotional content held inside the cell memory is coming to a place of forgiveness. Forgiveness is actually the core and the key to all healing. When we forgive, we are releasing ourselves, setting ourselves free. Forgiveness is about letting yourself off the hook, and really has little to do with anyone else. Letting go of the blame, judgment, hurt, pain, shame, anger, hatred, all the unspoken thoughts and words, allows forgiveness to come naturally on its own, filling up the empty space for healing to begin on all levels of your being …. physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

            During a Guided Memory Healing Session you will not forgive unless you are ready. You must empty out all the years of unexpressed emotion before forgiving is even considered. When we express our emotions and responses, forgiveness arises naturally and fully, seemingly out of nowhere. This happens in Guided Memory Healing, and once the cell memory is completely empty, true healing begins. After a process of subconscious reprogramming and cellular repatterning, your healing wisdom guides you to find your source of healing for the issue you are addressing.

During a Guided Memory Healing Session, your healing wisdom, your soul will guide you to a specific cell memory in your body that is at the core of the issue you are addressing, and you will have the chance to speak your truth and address anyone this memory is associated with; which will empty out any emotion or trauma held inside the cell.  The cell will then do a process of re-patterning with healthier options.  When the cell replicates and is getting ready to pass on its information to the new cell being born it now has a healthy option to pass on to the new cell; the old programming was rewritten and NOT passed on. Give yourself permission to rewrite and heal the memories and release your mind, body and spirit for your own well-being.


Jane Russo offers Cellular Memory Healing Guided Meditation workshops, private sessions, and teaches the process. She is a certified graduate of The School of Spirituality (Mercy Center Madison), a Reiki Master/Teacher and an experienced Cellular Memory Healing Guide who resides and works in Stratford CT.

Phone: 203.377.7984, Email: SpiritualJAR@sbcglobal.net. Website: http://janerusso.tripod.com




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